Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Social Network wars have begun!

This is going to be a short blog post. I've been having a discussion with a friend about... you guessed it... yet ANOTHER new Social Networking site.

Understand something, people, whether you're in Zenzuu, Peoplestring, Blastoff, ProfitSharingNetwork, Hello,Hello... (MAN! The more I look, the more I find!) your social network is never going to be 'the next big thing'.

Look, this is simple. MySpace was king of Social Networks. The mother of the modern format. Facebook simplified, clarified, and 'professionalized' the format, and has kicked MySpaces' butt off the top of the mountain. Everyone and their mother is on Facebook, and harassing their friends and friends mothers to be on there too.

These other networks, while they might have something great to offer individually, like Peoplestring has retrievable email (why didn't someone think of that earlier?), and that and Blastoff let you save money shopping... can we not all just realize that NONE of these are ever going to actually take on Facebook? They're never going to be 'the next big thing'!

If you're in one of these social networks because you joined through an MLM, then realize that the only other people who are going to be joining that network are other people who are in it for that same purpose. Which is fine, if you are just trying to socialize with MLM'rs. Nothing wrong with that. But an MLM must offer something to people outside of the circle of it's own business. What that means is that an MLM must have CUSTOMERS.

Take DUBLI for example. Dubli is a reverse-auction site that sells itself on the idea that the average Joe would just LOVE to 'bid down' items and get them for a fraction of their retail price. Now... why doesn't that work? About a year ago I ran a website that got about 30K uniques a day, and was advertising Dubli to a total of about 100K unique users a day for about three months. Out of all that time, and all those people, which was about 10 million views, TWO people bought tokens. And neither of them bought more than once.

That company exists on the business of selling it's business to others in it's business. Those outside customers DO NOT EXIST. It's a shell game, and it's making the people at the top a lot of money, and the suckers at the bottom a lot of grief.

Luckily, after a year, I could spend my $1000 worth of tokens I got for buying 'the business' buying down a $300 camera to $62, and buying it. Yes, I got a $300 camera for $1000 in tokens and $62 cash plus shipping. What a deal.

Anyway, back to the point, if these social networks do nothing but attract network marketers, then how will they generate the kind of necessary revenue to fill the dreams of all these young hopeful entrepreneurs? Short answer, it won't. Not for most of you, so please don't put all your hopes in the 'next big thing', unless it something that hasn't been tried half a dozen times already and failed. If you're just there to find other MLMers? Man, join a facebook group. There's thousands of MLMers you haven't met yet.

Granted, it's 2am and I can barely see the screen in front of my face... and yes, there are holes in my argument that you could probably drive a truck through... but what the heck, it's my blog, and I just felt like ranting a bit. And you read it all the way to the end? You must really love me. :)


  1. Read it to the end..point taken.

  2. Has anyone even taken a look at most of these new networks. Who is behind them, who helped create them. What major companies are going to be marketing them. Most of them are just marketed word of mouth. But if you do your research on Oct. 27th one of these new networks will have major players marketing it. Guess which one Blastoff. You will see this on every pizza hut box in america. And we also have some more major players doing some major marketing also. Right now you can build your network before they do. But Blastoff is mych more than shopping and making money. Its about having everything you need at your fingertips.Will it be bigger than facebook? I don't Know The only thing I do Know is you will be able to access facebook and twitter and other social networks at the same all from your homepage.In other words dont knock it before you see it and understand it for yourself. Don't let other people opinions shape your thoughts and do your own research don't let others do it for you.
